Posted by Rooibos Rocks on

Rooibos Rocks health

Why is Rooibos tea so good for me?


Seven good reasons, just for starters...

You’ll struggle to find a beverage with more health benefits. It’s caffeine-free, sugar free (but naturally sweet) and calorie-free. That’s three big reasons straight off the bat. Rooibos Rocks is chock-full of powerful antioxidants proven to lower cholesterol and reduce your blood pressure. That’s two more reasons. It’s also 100% organic. That’s six very healthy factors in its favour. So where’s number seven? The fact that it’s a pleasure to drink, hot or cold, at any time of the day or night – and a bit of pleasure is good for you too!

Click here to read more on the healthy benefits of Rooibos tea.


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