Rooibos Rocks blog

Green Rooibos Tea and Green Tea – are they both caffeine-free?

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Green Rooibos Tea and Green Tea – are they both caffeine-free?


No, they are not. Green Rooibos Tea has zero caffeine but Green Tea does contain caffeine. So, if you want to avoid caffeine, improve the quality of your sleep and avoid revving your system, stick to Green Rooibos Tea and avoid Green Tea.

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Green Rooibos – how does that fit with “Redbush Tea”?

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Green Rooibos – how does that fit with “Redbush Tea”?


The word Rooibos comes from Afrikaans, the language of the Dutch who settled in South Africa about 300 years ago - “rooi” meaning red and “bosch” meaning bush.  So Green Rooibos is a bit of a contradiction in terms!  In this post we give the subject a bit of a stir then serve up some answers.

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Guinness, treacle and Green Rooibos – it shamrocks!

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Guinness, treacle and Green Rooibos – it shamrocks!


It’s Saint Patrick’s Day on the 17th of March and that means the whole world goes fifty shades of green. Why green?  Because Ireland, getting a lot of rain, is known as the Emerald Isle?  Because in the Rebellion of 1798 the Irish wore green to distinguish themselves from the English “redcoats”.  Or because early St. Patrick’s revelers thought wearing green made them invisible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see?  It’s all of the above.

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Sore throat? Rooibos Chai to the rescue!

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Sore throat?  Rooibos Chai to the rescue!


Sore throat? Rooibos Chai to the rescue! Sore throats are just one of the occupational hazards of being a human. Knowing that you’ll be fine again in a few days is some consolation – but in the meantime, the condition is pretty unpleasant. Now the good news.

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The how, what, and why of our Chai!

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The how, what, and why of our Chai!


Variety is the spice of life – and that is literally true with Rooibos Chai.  It’s Rooibos as we know it…but infused with warming and aromatic spices to give your taste buds a delightful surprise. If you have a few questions about what Chai is, where it comes from, and how best to enjoy it, then read on.

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